
Sequential search algorithm
Sequential search algorithm

The use of FPGAs in HIL implies some challenges, like the choice of a relevant numerical method for the implementation. Furthermore, the outcome of HIL techniques has improved with the incorporation of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), which allow faster and more accurate real-time simulations. Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) has become a very popular approach for power electronics testing in recent years due to its safety and low cost. Except for the 1498 Meio Tokai earthquake, the Tokai earthquakes occurred simultaneously with Nankai earthquakes.

sequential search algorithm

Recalculated recurrence intervals range from 90 to 265 years. Integrated with the previous studies, these new results show that nine Tokai earthquakes occurred over the last 1300 years, the oldest in the latest 7th century, and in 887, 1096, 1361, 1498, 1614, 1707, 18 CE. The 887 CE earthquake likely represents a full-length rupture of the Tokai and Nankai segments, as was the case for the 1707 CE earthquake. These events are not reliably recorded in historical documents in the Tokai region but were noted in the Nankai area. The older two deposits confirm the occurrence of the Tokai earthquakes in 887 CE and in the latest 7th century. We attribute the younger two tsunami deposits to the 14 CE Tokai earthquakes. Radiocarbon dating of previously studied and newly discovered deposits in the region indicates a shorter recurrence time for Tokai earthquakes and clarifies their linkage with Nankai earthquakes. The site revealed a ∼1-km long coast-normal cross section of the strand plain and exposed four sandy tsunami deposits, each of which indicates inundation over 2 km inland of the coast.

sequential search algorithm

Study of prehistoric to medieval-age tsunami deposits along a riverbank site near the eastern Nankai Trough, central Japan, show that, not only did Tokai earthquakes occur with a higher frequency than previously thought, but that contemporaneous ruptures of the Tokai and Nankai fault segments were also more common.

Sequential search algorithm